Personal Art Blog

Sharing the lessons I teach at the Artist Guild and the personal discoveries in my art.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mr Chomp Resting

Mr Chomp Resting

8x6in oil on canvas panel  $125. SOLD

I have been concerned about the animals lost
and hurt during Megastorm Sandy
and will donate the proceeds
of this painting to an animal shelter in
New York or New Jersey.

I have painted Mr Chomp before.
He is a very special rescued cat with
a wonderful disposition and adores his owners
...most likely because he is so grateful to them.
I have no doubt he knows exactly
how he almost was killed, and then saved.
Animals are very special and bring a wonderful
element into our lives.

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  1. Mr. Chomp is having some serious down time right now...and his painter painted him well. We have a cat named Bean. He would have died a couple of years ago had we not forced tuna juice down him for a week. He used to be a rather grumpy cat, he is lovey dovey now. We think he is grateful for sure.

    1. Love the story of Bean. Nice we agree. Thanks Lisa.
      Love your new painting.

  2. and I love your "Scribbled Ballerina"
    Thanks Myra.

  3. This cat looks like a lot for a cat that came to the door of my mother's house, to ask for something to eat. He waited his turn patiently and then ran away almost immediately. Days after days...When my mother passed away, the cat  did not show up anymore. I and my husband tried for days calling him ... but nothing. That you brought me back to the memory, the resting of Chomp:it seems the patient cat waiting for my mother at the door.

    1. What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing it with me, Rita.
      have a great painting day.

  4. Interesting to see how you adapt your technique to capture the cat, well done.

    1. Adapt or lose. It is not always easy. Thanks for the comment Roger.

  5. Mr. Chomp is adorable. Love that rich looking rug he is sitting on too. I love what you are doing with the proceeds from the past couple of paintings, too. Julie, you rock!

  6. Animals really are a joy aren't they? Grateful and loving companions. Mr. Chomp looks very happy and contented:)

    1. He really is very contented. I love my dog. Hubby allergic to cat dander. My daughter has cats - all rescued.

  7. Mr Chomp looks mighty dignified, Julie! I too, am a lover of animals. You have picked a great cause. Is this on the Hurricane Relief auction at DPW?

    1. No - the auction is for humans and I have not seen anything to raise money for the animals anywhere and you know how bad it must have been for them.

  8. Good for you, Julie. Mt Chomp should raise a few 'bob' for a very good cause.

    Our last two dogs were rescue dogs - they were at deaths door when we got them. They lived with us for 15 years before they died - within two weeks of each other... best dogs the world ever saw!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Nice of you too, Sylvane. I love your boxer. What a great face!

  10. Indeed they do, Julie. Mr. Chomp looks so peaceful and content. Bless you for your gift to the relief efforts.

  11. Hello Julie:) I'm doing the same thing. My donation is going to "the little shelter", a shelter in NY. Lovely post from John Simlett. I love that so much!
    I hope mr. Chomp, and all the other paintings, collect a lot of money! I love the painting Julie!

    1. Good to hear you are donating and thanks for the heads-up on the name of the shelter.
      I loved Johns post too. Heartwarming

  12. Mr. Chomp is wonderful. He does look so satisfied too.

  13. You paint with such courage—there's a mess of paint there yet you organize it all to work wonderfully! Love both these cat paintings; no trace of cuteness of sentimentality.


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