Nest and Feather Series
6x6in oil on canvas panel. Give-a-way
I decided to offer a painting which is dear to my heart.
I have not offered my nest/feather series on my blog
before but I am genuinely grateful for the friendships
and support the followers of my blog have shown and
thought someone would care for a painting like this.
If you are interested in having your name
in the hat, please let me know in a comment why you
would like to have it.
As he did last time, my hubby will select
the winner.
Looking back on the year I think the single
most important area of my art career was
the response to my Fracturing video.
All the frustration became worthwhile
as the complementary comments came in
and even more importantly - the sales continued
to climb. As I am not even computer literate
and had never worked a video camera before
I have been humbled by the forgiveness shown
for the unprofessional teaching remarks like whoops
and off with its head! Plus noises in the background etc.
It was difficult for me to do as I was on my own, but
I have been asked many times to do another one
and am thinking it over.
Another really neat thing was having a painting
chosen by a New York City collector Ken Ratner
His collection has some of the old great masters,
but he selected quite a few blogging
artists and I was honored to be one of them.
After saying that, I realize I value each
and every person who buys
a painting, admires a painting and takes the time to
leave a comment. I feel very blessed.
I wish you all a successful year of painting or collecting
with good health and much personal happiness.
I look forward to visiting your blogs and being inspired by
the amazing work and genuine sharing.
Oh, almost forgot - I will not be participating in the
30 day painting Challenge this time. Too much going on.
I wish those of you who do, a very enjoyable experience.