Personal Art Blog

Sharing the lessons I teach at the Artist Guild and the personal discoveries in my art.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Alfalfa Fields

The Alfalfa Fields

6x8in oil on canvas  100.

The brilliant emerald greens of the Alfalfa fields never ceases to amaze me. Imagine the contrast next to the soft, neutral colors of the desert.

The Mesilla Valley supports a large and growing dairy industry and they need lots of alfalfa.  It has been successfully grown here for over 150 years.

A downside to the dairy industry comes when you have to drive the several miles past them on Rt 10.  I admit to burying my nose into a handkerchief!

Artist Note:

I cheated with this painting because there was not any water in the Rio Grande today. I have painted it enough to know it always reflects the color of the sky and clouds from this vantage point.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice the texture. I wish I could float in a canoe on your imaginary river.


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