White Poppies
12x8in watercolor NFS
DAY 30 - hip hip...hurrah!
This is almost finished. It needs a little tweaking...
adding and subtracting here and there.
I will have to live with it for a few more days,
but I can see a couple of things right now!
Nothing like getting it on the screen to see the
weak spots.
Artist note
This one is larger than my usual size
and so it was easy to find some totally
abstract areas.
inspiration for future paintings.
Thanks to all of you who have followed
me through the Leslie Seata's 30 in 30 challenge.
I was proud to have been associated with so many
wonderful artists. I have also enjoyed discovering
inspirational talent and I hope you have too.
I must admit to being relieved it is over.
Two and a half years ago when I first started daily
painting, I did not work as many hours as I do now
and that made it easier to keep up. This has been fun,
but not always easy, so if I say I am going to do her
next challenge, please remind me not to do it.
I am going to take a couple of days off and visit blogs!